Turkan Nadire Yesil

Doctor (PhD)

Turkan Nadire Yesil

She was born in Adana in 1981. She graduated from Hacettepe University in 2004. She started her doctorate in the Orthodontics Department of the same faculty in 2004 and completed it in 2010. She has a thesis titled "Evaluation of Mini Screws in Maxillary Canine Distalization".

Between 2016-2018, she completed the "Two-Year Program of TMJ First Orthodontics" training under the directorship of Domingo Martin and Renato Cocconi and started to apply the joint priority orthodontics concept.

In 2018, she participated in "Biomechanics and Esthetic Based Orthodontic Treatment Strategies by Prof.Dr. Ravindra Nanda" and "Non-Surgical Treatment for Surgical Malocclusions by Chris Chang". In 2019, she attended BSCOSO's "Temporomandibular Disorders Unraveled: Physical Therapy, Orthodontics, Prostodontics and TMJ Surgery" workshop in Vilnius, Lithuania, and continued her studies focusing on holistic and multidisciplinary approaches. In 2019, in Cluj, Romania, She attended the training “CBCT & MRI Radiologic Imaging: TMJ, Teeth and Beyond” by Dania Tamimi and "Occlusion 101: Physiology, Anatomy and Biomechanics of Occlusion by Jay Levy". In 2021, she attended the training of physiotherapist Prof. Dr.Mariano Rocabado on "Craniomandibular Dynamics and TMJ". In 2017, she was a clinical observer at Alberto Canabez's clinic who is one of the FACE course directors. She is a member of the Turkish Orthodontic Society. She spoke at the 1st FACE online symposium, Simply-Ortho online platform, Arabian Orofacial Pain, Dysfunction Association, Doublecheck Academy and OHI-S Istanbul congresses. She gives courses primarily TME on dental treatments with a holistic approach. She is married and has 2 children.

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