On the first day of our course, aesthetic and functional parameters for fracture, diastema and laminate restorations will be analyzed, optical properties of enamel, dentin and modern composite materials will be defined, elements that help in correct color selection, isolation and preparation techniques, matrixing models, single or multiple layering techniques, surface characteristics and finishing techniques will be explained theoretically with case visuals. After theoretical training, rubber dam will be applied to anterior teeth on phantom jaw model in hands-on section. On phantom jaw model, fracture restoration will be created in anterior teeth and the restoration of the fracture by layering technique will be applied step by step from preparation to completion. On the second day of the course, the procedures to be done in clinic for the restoration of diastema and composite laminate will be explained theoretically, from preparation to completion. The use and results of different composite brands will be discussed in an interactive way. After theoretical training, in hands-on section, a diastema will be created between the central teeth on a phantom jaw model and then closed. Then laminate preparation and restoration on central teeth will be done.
Day 1
Case Analysis
Importance of aesthetic parameters for composite restorations
Analysis of cases under the guidance of aesthetic principles
What is the right time for the direct and the indirect? Evaluation of functional parameters
Clinical reflections of composites in the historical development process
Problems of current composite systems
Colour concept and natural tooth colour with composites
Techniques and tricks for correct colour selection
Equipment and tips for simple dental photographs
Photo recording and digital analysis of cases
Coffee Break
Anterior Fracture Restorations
Morphological and aesthetic properties of dental tissues
Preparation: Where? How long? How?
Adhesion in dental tissues Tips for adhesive selection and application
Importance of insulation and use of rubber dam
Individual matrix preparation
Simplified matrixing models
Layering technique tips: Which composite should be used and how?
Other layering techniques
Use and selection of the equipment which helps for layering
Finishing and polishing techniques for lasting and natural results
Tips for controlling cases and solving problems
Interactive sharing on clinical cases
Anterior Fracture Restorations and Rubber dam Application: Hands-on
Coffee Break
Fracture Restoration on Jaw Model: Hands-on
Q & A
Day 2
Diastema Closure
Case selection and procedures before restoration
Control of dimensions and proportions
Tips for case-to-case colour matching and composite selection
Preparation and use of acid
Tips for adhesive application
Matrix models for diastemas
Use of simple auxiliary equipment
Finishing and polishing techniques
Tips for controlling cases and solving problems
Interactive sharing on clinical cases
Coffee Break
Composite Laminate Veneers
Porcelain? Composite?
Is preparation necessary? When and how?
Simple matrixing techniques
Tips for creating surface properties
Finishing and polishing techniques
Latest trend composite materials: CAD-CAM hybrids and their use
Interactive sharing on clinical cases
Diastema Closure in Central Teeth: Hands-on
Coffee Break
Composite Laminate Preparation and Restoration of Central Teeth: Hands-on