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- Benefits of improving communication skills with the patient
- Things to implement for a positive first impression
- Patient characteristics and effects on treatment
- Behavioral methods that should be applied in characteristic patients
- The main causes of personality differences
- Restructuring the mind
- Consciousness and Subconscious
- Duties of Consciousness and Subconscious
- The role of conscious and subconscious in effective communication
- How can we recognize the subconscious?
- How can we bring about change in the subconscious?
- What is Imagination?
- Importance of imagination
How do we influence the other person?
- What are representative systems and how are they determined?
- Technique to change our perspective and emotion to positive (Intention study)
- How can we gain trust and guide the patient?
- What is Rapport? What are its components and how are they supplied?
- What are the Rapport mistakes made?
- What is the pacing and how is it applied?
- Body language and practices
- Hypnotic conversation phases at the first encounter with the patient
- Powerful words and conjunctions
- Uses of open-ended and closed-ended questions
- Approach to patients with high anxiety and phobia and methods to relieve anxiety
- Safe Place technique
- Approach to patients with nausea reflex and methods to relieve the nausea reflex
- Comfortable treatment methods by providing communication and cooperation in pediatric patients (Voice control- Positive Reinforcement- Modeling Technique)
- Paradoxical Intervention
- The Technique of Tell Show Do- (Metaphors)
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