Bu kursa ait aktif tarih bulunamadı.
The models and frameworks needed for the course will be given to the participants on day 1 alongside the lecture notes.
Participants are requested to bring their own tools and finishing equipment.
The actual length of the course will have to be adjusted according to the participants’ level and premises.
You will learn to
- Select the colour
- Layer project
- Treat the substrate
- Perform low chromaticity and high value mass layering
- Perform «Natural White»tooth surface finishing
- Learn how to manage communication and marketing for innovative solutions
Theorethical part
- Natural tooth «White» optical behavior
- Pre-visualization and design
- Clinical strategies and needs
- Composite types classification
- Digital workflow and Bio-design
- Color assessment for «Natural White» solutions
- Mass selection for ideal “masking”
- Low chromaticity layering
- Clinical evidence
Practice Part Day 1
- Chromatic design
- Composite surface treatment “Masking”
- Balanced dentinal design
- Simplify symmetrical layer technique
- Harmonious opalescence effect
- Internal Live Stains composite
Practice Part Day 2
• Enamel layering
• Morphology and simetric control
• Micro & Macro texture
• Mechanical finishing & polishing
• Individual and group analysis
• Final revision
General Information On The Course
The evolution of clinical needs as well as the ever growing aesthetic requests by patients strongly influence the development of techniques that aim at finding metal-free solutions while using materials to ensure excellent mimicry result to perfectly replicate the natural tooth. The development of in-clinic “Bleaching” techniques and the patients’ higher awareness are leading aesthetic dentistry towards solutions featuring low chromaticity and high enamel value with low density dentine. Such solutions are achieved by carefully considering the patient’s age and promoting a healthy, natural looking smile.
The availability of innovative materials which support this «Natural White» approach is then paramount for today’s dentists and technicians.
Such materials will have to feature excellent optical behaviour and low density for the layering phases while special white intensive is needed for «masking» discolored and dark natural abutment. A modern technical approach to work will have to be defined, but most of all a modern marketing-oriented lab communication aiming at sponsoring our new generation prosthetic products.
This state-of-the-art approach will also take into account the systems which may implement the digital pre-visualisation of our project and the faithful replication of such model as faithful as possible to our initial blueprint, which will help us properly select the best material to use and most adequate operative strategies. For an effective final result the ideal ae base aesthetic restoration election is fundamental as well as an up-to-date and accurate treatment technique of the substrate.
Kursiyer Kayıt Formu
Aşağıdaki bilgileri eksiksiz olarak doldurunuz.
Kredi Kartı Ödeme Sayfası
Ödemeniz Başarı İle Alınmıştır. En Kısa Sürede Sizinle İletişime Geçicelecektir.
Ödemeniz Alınamamıştır. Lütfen Tekrar Deneyiniz.