On the first day, the main topics to be seen are: myofascial pain syndrome including sleep apnea, snoring, sleep bruxism, temporal mandibular joint dysfunctional disorders and other irregularities, and occlusion disorder that causes lower face height in the vertical direction, prosthetic adjustment attempts, increasing and raising methods including completion of deficiencies will be explained. The physiopathology of each disorder will be evaluated. In this training, which is gathered under the name of dental sleep medicine and involves the prosthetic dental treatment unit of dentistry, the participants will find the answer of these disorders' reasons and WHAT these disorders are and they will surprisingly learn how a dentist can be successful after all. Surprisingly, they will see that WHY dentistry is inside many treatment strategies and understand WHEN the appliances involved in treatment are put into operation and how they are made. The clinical features, reflection of the results and diagnostic criteria required for this will be reviewed. It will be explained by examining the treatments and the methods, general treatments, the indications specific to the treatment and what kind of appliance and what kind of appliance design. Sleep bruxism and its reflection on the surrounding orofacial tissues and stomatognathic system will be reviewed. The necessary definitions will be made in a simple, plain, easy and very clear and understandable form, and will be informed about direct jaw joint, occlusal vertical dimension repairs. Before proceeding to the second day, which is the last day and consists of half a day, clinical practice, tips and criteria for success will be discussed.
Day 1 | |
9.00-9.30 | Welcome |
9.30-10.30 | Theoretical Training OSAS Physiopathology and Definitions Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Snoring OSAS Related Risk Factors |
10.30-11.00 | Coffee Break |
11.00-12.30 | OSAS Clinical Features, Reflection of Results and Diagnosis Physical Exam Upper Respiratory Findings Diagnostic Methods Cephalometric Evaluation and Analysis in Diagnosis Clinical Insight |
12.30-13.30 | Lunch |
13.30-14.30 | OSAS Treatment Approaches and Methods Intraoral Apparatus Treatment Indications, Contraindications Why Intraoral Apparatus? Advantages (Compared to other treatment methods) |
14.30-15.00 | Coffee Break |
15.00-17.00 | The Role and The Place of Dentist in Sleep Medicine Intraoral Apparatus Options, Production and Effect Mechanisms in OSAS Success of Oral Apparatus in OSAS Treatment Results of Intraoral Apparatus Treatment Diagnosis and Examination of Sleep Bruxism Symptoms and Myofascial Pain, Clinical features, Management of Pain, Temporamandibular Joint Findings and Splint Treatment in Jaw Joint Importance and place of Jaw Joint Plates in General Sleep and Respiratory Prostodontics |
17.00-18.00 | Low Lower Face Height, Recovery of the Vertical Dimension Effects of the Occlusion in the Vertical Direction Correction or Regulation of Disorders in Occlusal Relationships Prosthetic Procedures Including Augmentation and Upgrade Attempts (with posterior partial indirect adhesive prostheses) and Minimally Invasive Treatment Concepts |
Day 2
| Intraoral and extraoral findings evaluated by examination on the patient and masseter |
| Coffee Break
| After that Anterior Stabilization Splint, Mandibular Anterior Splint, Centric Relationship Stabilization
| Lunch
| Splints will be applied on the patient and the treatment protocol will be evaluated in detail.
15.00-16.00 | Question-Answer-Certificate Ceremony
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